Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and encourage children to be artists by providing basic tools and inspiration for them to create. Every Young at ART bag sold, will also provide a bag to a child in need.

Monday, October 26, 2015


 A report by Americans for the Arts states that young people who participate regularly in the arts (three hours a day on three days each week through one full year) are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement, to participate in a math and science fair or to win an award for writing an essay or poem than children who do not participate.


 So to help make some powerful kids we have some quick easy ideas for some fun projects. 
-Trace your hand multiples times overlapping on a piece of paper. Color in the different shapes to make an abstract work of art.
- Use the fall leaves to make create a picture.
- Draw a picture of yourself in your Halloween costume!

We'd love to post your work in our gallery at www.young-at-art.com!  You can email your creations to youngatart2015@gmail.com
Happy creating!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Gift: A thing given willingly to someone

Another season of gift giving is almost upon us. This year we would like to invite you to give the gift of art to a young person in your life!  A Young at ART  bag provides a book telling of master artists and shows examples of their work.   It provides a sketch pad, crayons, colored pencils, and markers.  Help them to learn how these artists started and inspire them to create their own masterpieces!  And the best part is--you will also be giving a gift to a child in need!  Two for one gift giving!

A month or two ago, we took an afternoon and visited with some wonderful people.  These people work each day in an environment where hurting children come for help.   Some of these children hurt because they are sick.  Some hurt because they have handicaps.  Some have been hurt by others.

We went with the hope that we, in some small way, might be able to bring a touch of joy to some of these children.  Maybe, in some small way, we could provide an escape from whatever pain they may be in.  Providing an avenue for them to create their own art, might in some small way, inspire and encourage them.

What we found made us both happy and sad.  Yes, there is a need and a desire for our little art bags!  That makes us happy.  But--there is more need than we could supply at one time. That made us sad to have so many children hurting.

"A kind gesture can reach a wound that only                  compassion can heal"
                                                                                                                Steve Marabolia

So, dear friend, we would like to invite you to join us in a double gift giving adventure.  With the purchase of a Young at ART bag, you can give a gift of art supplies and artist inspiration to someone you know and, at the same time, a child in need of encouragement will receive one also.

Bags can be purchased on our website at young-at-art.com for $25.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at youngatart2015@gmail.com.   May the upcoming holiday season be happy, creative, and fulfilling for us all!!


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pablo Picasso

Did you know that when Pablo was baptized, he was named after various saints and relatives? His full name is: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso! Wow! That's a mouthful!  

Pablo painted using different styles throughout his career. His art has been put into categories according to the styles he used. First is the Blue Period from 1901-1904 where he used mainly blues and greens like this painting called "Old Guitarist". How does this painting make you feel? 

The Rose Period was from 1905-1907 where he used reds, oranges and pinks like in this painting called "Woman with Loaves".  How is this painting different from the first one?

The African-Influenced Period was from 1908-1909. Here is a painting called "Brick Factory at Tortosa" Can you see the the African Influence in this painting?

His Cubism period was from 1909-1919 and is probably his most recognized period. Why do you think this period is called Cubism?

Which period do you like best? Why? For Pablo's birthday we would love for you to create your own art work and email it to us so we can display it on our website! You can use one of the styles Picasso used or create something totally different and unique, it's up to you! All we need is a picture of the artwork with your first name and age! We are so excited to see what you create!!


Picasso facts:

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Happy Birthday Pablo!!!



October 25 is the birth date of 
Pablo Picasso
and we want to celebrate!!
Please join us in a birthday celebration from now 
through the 25th!

Pablo believed all children are artists
so in honor of his birthday we would like all
young artists (age1-99) to email us some of your artwork
that we can post on our website and on our
Facebook page!

Please join our birthday party today
by emailing your artwork to
along with your first name, age, and title of the art.

Feel free to invite your friends to join in the fun!