Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and encourage children to be artists by providing basic tools and inspiration for them to create. Every Young at ART bag sold, will also provide a bag to a child in need.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Christmas Memories

Norman Rockwell was cited in 1957 by the
United States Chamber of Commerce as
"A Great Living American" saying
"Through the magic of your talent, the folks next door--their gentle sorrows, their modest joys--have enriched our own lives and given us new insight into our countrymen."

Especially at Christmas, Rockwell seems to
remind us of simpler times.

He painted endless scenes depicting holidays.  At the age of 15, a parishioner of his family's church employed him to 
create Christmas Card designs.  As an adult, he was a
regular at Hallmark.  The Saturday Evening Post assigned their Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's covers to their most popular illustrators, including Rockwell.
He painted several homecoming images of American veterans during World War II. He did many 
illustrations inspired by Charles Dickens and often liked to talk about how his dad read Dickens' tales to him and his brother after they had finished their schoolwork.

In today's world where everything
seems so rushed and time goes so fast, it's refreshing to stop for a moment. Escape into days gone by and into the world of Norman Rockwell.

As America's most beloved illustrator, Rockwell is as synonymous with the holidays as Santa Claus himself.

Art, like music, has a way of immediately 
transporting us back in time to where we can see,
hear, smell, maybe even taste memories
from our past. Let's all take a moment (or hopefully even longer) to slow down, reflect on what is most important in our lives. Let's take some time to focus on loved ones, create new memories and reflect on the cherished memories of the past. While we may not feel compatible with the skill of some of the greats like Rockwell, let's take some time to document these moments with words, photographs, paint, pencils, crayons whatever medium will help keep these precious memories alive for years to come!  

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Acts of Kindness

 We had the fun opportunity this week to deliver
some Young at Art bags to
The Christmas Box International!

If you are not familiar with this organization, 
they provide assistance to prevent child abuse
and services to improve the quality of life for 
children who have been abused, neglected or abandoned.
Their motto is simple:
Every child deserves a childhood
You can learn more about them on their website

We couldn't agree more!  We are very honored that
they would use some of our art bags to help
further their cause.
We hope that much good can come from our small contribution and that we can continue to
be of help to them and other great organizations 
like them.

Thank you to Heather for visiting with us and accepting our art bags!  This is a very busy time
of year for them!

Our mission is to inspire and encourage all children
to be artists by providing basic tools and inspiration for them to create.

Art allows us all an escape
 and the chance to express ourselves when we might not know how to otherwise.

With your help, we will continue to donate art bags 
to children in shelters such as this and in hospitals.
You can help by purchasing an art bag for a young 
artist in your life.  You will receive a canvas bag
with an artist activity book, a sketch pad, crayons, markers, and colored pencils.
We will then give a bag to a child in need who could use
some encouragement and inspiration.
We hope you will join us in our efforts to
make a difference!