Ready or not--summer is here!!
In our family, it was kind of a joke that every year on July 24th (a state holiday) my Dad would say, "Well, I guess it's about time to put the lawn chairs away."
What he meant is that time goes so fast, before you know it, we'll be putting up Christmas lights! We used to groan every time he said that, but now we tend to agree with him! Dad's famous quote reminds me of a quote from Dr Seuss.
"How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon.
December is here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn.
How did it get so late so soon?"
Well, we don't want this summer to fly by so fast that you can't hardly remember where it went. So we have a challenge for you. All of you. Old, young, tall, short, big, little, or anywhere in between. We'd like you to find yourself a blank sketch pad or blank paper that can be put into a notebook. Your challenge is to take a few minutes each day and draw, color or paint something that you did that day or something you saw that day. It can be as simple or as complex as you would like.
Here are a few examples:
Aubrey, age 11, went to a very fun "school's out water party"! There was a pool and lots of fun water games. For a treat, she made "jelon" which is red Jello placed in a carved out watermelon!
Miles, age 9, drew this picture after his first swimming lesson of the season.
At first, it might take a minute to think over the whole day and decide on something to sketch, but before long you will notice things throughout the day that you want to record in your sketch journal. You might see a hummingbird, a sweet red strawberry, a shooting star, flags in a parade. You might go on a vacation where you will see all sorts of new places and things. What special friends and family members will you be making memories with? Find a quiet time each day or evening and sketch a journal entry.
Just imagine your sketch journal at the end of summer, filled with the sights and fun times that have filled your days!!
Every summer has a story. Start sketching yours today!!
OH!! And we have a special announcement!!!
The Young at Art Summer Sketch Journal Club!!!
If you would like to accept our challenge to keep a sketch journal this summer, email us your name and mailing address and we'll send you one of our pocket size sketch pads for keeping notes and ideas!!
at the end of summer show us your summer sketch journal and we'll send you a
Young at Art T-shirt!
Send us images of your sketches throughout the summer and we'll post them on our website and on our Facebook page!
Join our club TODAY!! We can't wait to hear from you!
Please share this with your friends and family!