Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and encourage children to be artists by providing basic tools and inspiration for them to create. Every Young at ART bag sold, will also provide a bag to a child in need.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Why Art?

Why Art you ask?  Listen to what these folks have to say about it...

"Fostering creativity won't just increase your child's chances of becoming the next Picasso. You're also helping him develop mentally, socially, and emotionally, says Ecklund-Flores. Creating art may boost young children's ability to analyze and problem-solve in myriad ways, according to Mary Ann F. Kohl, author of Primary Art: It's the Process, Not the Product

As kids manipulate a paintbrush, their fine motor skills improve. By counting pieces and colors, they learn the basics of math.

 When children experiment with materials, they dabble in science. 

Most important perhaps, when kids feel good while they are creating, art helps boost self-confidence. And children who feel able to experiment and to make mistakes feel free to invent new ways of thinking, which extends well beyond the craft room."

Parents.com, Why Art and Creativity Are Important, Paula Bernstein

     Looking for a gift that encourages time "unplugged"?  A Young at Art bag makes a great educational and creative gift!  It teaches and inspires and provides the tools needed, and best of all--it all comes in a sturdy canvas bag for storing, carrying, or traveling!

Young at Art Sketch bag is great for kids 3 and older!
Young at Art Sculpture bag is great for kids 4 and older!

   For special pricing go to our website at young-at-art.com !


Friday, November 4, 2016

A Special Announcement!



Young at Art bags will be available from now through the end of the year at a reduced price!  Just in time for your holiday shopping!!

"I love the books provided in the Young at Art bag that teach
children about artists and encourage the children to try different
methods and styles, just as the well-known artists did....I know from many
years in the classroom that children crave opportunities to express
themselves through art and that opportunity is so 
lacking in school these days.
Research shows that children perform so much better academically 
if they are given lots of opportunities to express themselves
through the arts."
Carolyn VandenAkker, Elementary School Teacher

Learn about Michelangelo, Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso and more!  When did they become artists?  Who encouraged them to draw?

"When I got the Young at Art bag in the mail, I immediately knew that it would be a great candidate
for our (homeschool) morning time!...My favorite part is that everything I need to
teach art appreciation is right in the bag!  Children get to see what the artist looked like
and examples of their work....My children ask each morning if we can learn about
another artist and that makes me so happy!  We are learning and creating.  Most of all, my kids
are excited and proud of their work!
Thanks Young at Art!!
Amy Maze, Living and Learning At Home

How small can you make a sculpture?  What is an abstract sculpture? 
What materials can you make a sculpture from?

"I have been an elementary school Art Specialist for fourteen years and really see
the importance of art in children's lives.  Art allows a child to take
things they learn like math, science, history, and language arts and use
them to create something beautiful that communicates emotions on a
different level.  Young at Art bags contain quality materials that are fun to use!"
Peggy, Elementary School Art Specialist

Want to encourage the young people you know to spend more time 
"unplugged"?  Young at Art books and bags do just that!

From now through the end of the year, 
Young at Art bags will be available for
only $19.95!

(This is a savings to you of $5.05!!)

Simply go to 

(Shipping available)

Please share this with anyone you know who 
loves art!

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