Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and encourage children to be artists by providing basic tools and inspiration for them to create. Every Young at ART bag sold, will also provide a bag to a child in need.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017




Welcome back to week 6 of Art is Awesome!
This week we are learning about artist Jim Dine.
Jim Dine is a very versatile artist.  He has produced over three thousand paintings, sculptures, drawings, and prints!   He is well known for repeating images over and over in his art, showing them in different ways.  Things like hands, tools, hearts, and
even bathrobes! 


 When he was a child, his family owned a hardware store so he was 
surrounded with tools.  He was fascinated with them and studied
their shapes and forms. 
His work is part of the Pop Art movement.  
You can see more of his work at www.artnet.com.


ms chang's art classes

For your assignment this week you will need the following materials:
drawing paper
crayons, chalks, markers or whatever you would like

Fold the paper into sections, such as fourths
Draw a heart, or paintbrush, or tool, or whatever you want in each section filling the whole section
Color and decorate each heart or item with a different design.  Color in the background for each item also.
Optional:  Tape or glue your drawing onto a larger piece of colored paper to make a simple mat or frame.

Here is a drawing done by one of our team members, Miles, age 10.

Miles, age 10

Look around your room for an object that you would like to draw.
Have fun with this assignment!  We'd love you to send us a picture 
of your drawing!

Bonus Points for Parents:

When children participate in both arts and crafts, creativity and imagination receive strong stimulation, states the Americans for the Arts website. A child with a paintbrush in his hand suddenly has the ability to create vivid paintings and express himself boldly with color and brush strokes. The youngster can also learn about symbolic communication through the art he creates, choosing various colors to communicate feelings, for example.       livestrong.com


youngatartjourney.blogspot.com                                                                      youngatart2015@gmail.com                                                                        facebook.com/youngatart2015                                                                etsy.com/shops/weareyoungatart                                                                                                      young-at-art.com

Monday, June 12, 2017


This week we are learning about
Alan MaGee


Alan Magee is a "realist" painter or a "representational" painter.  He is best known for his large scale acrylic paintings of stones and found objects.  His paintings are so realistic that you might think they were a photograph.  He likes to spend alot of time at the beach carefully studying stones.  He often gathers many stones, takes them to his studio, and then does arrangements of them that he can paint. He begins painting early in the morning and often paints late into the evening.  He loved to draw when he was a child and enjoyed looking very closely at objects he found.  At one time he illustrated covers for books and won an award for it.



This is a great summer project to do while you are outside exploring!

Materials needed:
collect materials such as stones, rocks, pebbles, gravel
you can also get:  leaves, twigs, pinecones, etc.
stick for drawing

Assemble your collection of materials.  Place them in a design or stack or place them in a temporary sculpture.  You can add other items for decoration like twigs or leaves.
Another idea would be to draw lines around it to make a design.  When done, take pictures of your creation from different angles.  You can print the photos and tape or glue them onto poster board!

Here's some art done by some of our Young at Art team:

Emmett, Age 6

Levi,  Age 9

Aubrey, Age 12

Sara, Age 12

Get creative!  Have fun!  Take pictures!  Send them to us!

Bonus Points for Parents:
If you integrate art and crafts into your child's academics, your child can derive additional benefits. Many literacy and mathematical concepts can become easier to comprehend and even more interesting with the addition of art, according to Reyner. For example, if your youngster draws a picture or creates a sculpture of a character from a story, he may boost his reading comprehension and interest in literature. A child who uses artistic manipulatives such as paper shapes and beads can gain mastery of mathematical concepts due to the hands-on nature of the items.

Other source:  Great American Artists, Kohl, Solga


Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Welcome back!  We have a really fun activity 
for you!

This weeks artist is:

"High Life"  Pinterest.com

Bev Doolittle paints mostly with watercolors and likes to do paintings of the American West, Native Americans, and wildlife.  She is famous for using what she calls a "camouflage technique".  She says this makes people take their time to look at her work. Some people say there are hidden items in her paintings but she says they are not hidden, they are just meant to slow down the process of looking and to tell a story.
How many mountain goats can you see in the above painting?  Look closely!

Bev and her husband like to travel and be close to nature.


This painting is called "The Forest Has Eyes".  There are at least 15.  
Some say there are 17!  


This painting is called "Woodland Encounter".  Can you see two riders on horses?  Why do you think she named it that?

Here is your assignment for this week.  Have fun with it!

For this assignment you will need:
blue painters tape
crayons, markers, pencils, or paint
white paper


Using the paper horizontally, put about five strips of tape from the top to bottom, kind of like a fence.  Leave some space in between each tape.  Draw a picture of animals, birds, etc. that you would see in a forest.  Draw right over the tape.  Use some bold colors for most of it and some lighter details for some.  Example- draw some animals in bold colors and some birds in trees in lighter colors.  Carefully remove the strips of tape.  The open spaces will now become trees. Draw in some lines and marks like bark on the trees.  Your drawings will now be partly camouflaged!

Here are some examples from our team

Aubrey, Age 12

Levi, Age 9

Aubrey and Levi's Mom!!

We hope you have a ton of fun doing some "Bev Doolittle art". 
 Please send images of your work!

Bonus Points for Parents:

As your child creates a work of art, she has begun the process of communicating visually, advises author and educator MaryAnn F. Kohl, writing for Barnes and Noble Kids’ Expert Circle. A youngster also builds problem-solving skills, fine motor skills and even social skills as she works with artistic media. The process of making her own creations and noticing other people’s creations provides important opportunities for the appreciation of other people’s strengths and acceptance of her own abilities. A child also learns that the ability to follow directions is an integral part of the satisfaction of seeing the final result when making a craft.      livestrong.com

youngatart2015@gmail.com                                                                                                       young-at-art.com                                                                                     facebook.com/youngatart2015                                                           etsy.com/shop/weareyoungatart                                                           instagram.com/weareyoungatart

Other sources used:  Wikipedia, Great American Artists for Kids, Kohl and Solga