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Our mission is to inspire and encourage children to be artists by providing basic tools and inspiration for them to create. Every Young at ART bag sold, will also provide a bag to a child in need.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Sunshine and dandilions

Found on shewandersshefinds.com


Yellow is the row of sunflowers I planted around the sandbox.

The bright kernels on a cob of corn.

The sweet bouquet of freshly picked dandelions my kids bring me with big smiles on their faces.

The loud pants I wore to high school football games to show my school spirit.

The sunrise.

A new box of #2 pencils.

Found on bloglovin.com

Yellow is happy

Found on codythebutterfly.blogspot.com
Van Gogh said yellow stands for the sun.  Are you the kind of person who likes bright sunny warm days?  Or more like me, who prefers a good storm?  Are you a yellow personality or more of a cool color by nature?  

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