Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and encourage children to be artists by providing basic tools and inspiration for them to create. Every Young at ART bag sold, will also provide a bag to a child in need.

Monday, November 2, 2015

First Donation Delivery!!!


       Last week we had the amazing experience of delivering our first set of Young at Art bags!  All our planning, dreaming, and working is starting to come together and it is so much fun!!

   Half of the bags we gave to the hospital will be used in the School Zone.  "School is a normal part of a child's day.  In a hospital, school work can provide a degree of normalcy and offer a positive distraction.

   The School Zone is a new, dynamic learning environment and part of School Services at Primary Children's Hospital.  Patients, family members and hospital staff may participate in academic programming, individualized tutoring and literacy activities in the School Zone.  The School Zone includes:  a children's library and reading nook, computer work stations and tutoring staff." 

This cute lady is Jody, the teacher.  She took time to tell us a little about the school.  She said that when a child is  there in this room, for just a short time, they don't feel like a sick child in a hospital but a just a regular kid "in school". 

In a much smaller way, we hope to accomplish somewhat the same thing, to give a child, sick or well, inspiration and tools to escape into the wonderful world of art and into the wonderful world of their own imagination.

We hope you will join us in our Young at ART project!


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