It wasn't hard to find research on the benefits of coloring for any age. Here is just a sample of what we found.
Coloring for the Elderly
"The effects of coloring activities for people living with dementia show positive outcomes, most notably a decrease in agitation and anxiety. The therapeutic value comes in part from a participant's need to concentrate and in doing so they may 'forget' their troubles. Relaxation and meditative moods often follow.
Benefits of coloring for Seniors
Improves moods
Relieves stress
Reduces agitation
Promotes socialization and reminiscing
Provides an outlet for self-expression
Helps to maintain motor function
Improves dexterity (grip control)
Coloring for Adults
Psychologists often suggest coloring as an alternative to medication
Boredom and stress can be triggers for emotional health issues. Coloring can help.
Coloring can be calming for those with PTSD, anxiety, and stress issues.
Coloring can invoke easier and happier times of childhood.
When coloring, we utilize areas of the brain that enhance focus and concentration.
Both the right and left side of the brain are utilized when coloring.
Negative thoughts can be replaced by positive and pleasant thoughts.
Benefits of coloring for kids
Coloring helps a child practice holding a writing tool and develops tiny muscles.
A child learns hand-eye coordination through coloring.
Children learn to develop the skill of patience and learn to focus on details.
Coloring allows a child to relax and be comfortable while creating.
Children can learn to recognize color, hue, line, perspective, shape and form.
Eventually a child can learn to plan as they choose colors and order.
Coloring allow a child to have quality quiet time.
However, we here at Young at Art feel there are some really important things that were missed in these studies. We surveyed our team and wanted to share with you our own findings.
Each person (ranging in age from 3 to ..... well, let's just say "adult") was asked the following question: "What do you like about coloring?"
Here are a few of the answers we received:
"It's fun to design and there are so many colors. I love abstract and mixing colors"
"It's fun and you can use your imagination"
"I like to see how the colors come together differently each time you play. I love playing with pattern and texture depending on how you hold the crayon, pencil, or marker"
"I like color!"
"It's so fun!"
"I like to show people what I'm imagining"
"It makes me feel like a kid again. A little break from the grown up world."
Based on our own scientific research we came to the conclusion that coloring, no matter how old you are, is just plain FUN! So next time you are feeling a little bored, a little anxious, or a little creative and a little imaginative, grab that box of crayons and
escape to the wonderful world of color and crayons!! You'll be glad you did! ;-)
escape to the wonderful world of color and crayons!! You'll be glad you did! ;-)
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