Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and encourage children to be artists by providing basic tools and inspiration for them to create. Every Young at ART bag sold, will also provide a bag to a child in need.

Monday, February 29, 2016

DR SEUSS: (Part 1) What A Parent's Influence Can Do

"The people who influence you are the people who believe in you."
Henry Drummond

     Who has more influence in a child's life than his or her parents?  What difference can it make in whom that child becomes?   Just for fun, let's look at the influence a set of parents had in this particular boy's life.


    On March 2, 1904, the world became a brighter place with the birth of Theodore Geisel.  Born to a prominent family in Springfield, Massachusetts to parents who saw him as a "personality" to be encouraged.   
     Ted's father, in 1931, became superintendent of parks.  Under his supervision was a magnificent 500-acre park and within the park was the Springfield Zoo.  

"You have brains in your head
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose."

Ted often went there with his father and enjoyed some behind-the-scenes access. The zoo became a beloved part of his childhood.  If his father couldn't take Ted and his sketchpad, then he would go with his mother or his sister, Marnie.

"Early on, Ted's mother became his 'accomplice in crime,' 
encouraging him to draw animal caricatures on the plaster walls
 of his bedroom.  She often put her children to bed while "chanting" 
rhymes she remembered from her childhood.Later, his father 
became an unexpected resource,who helped with his son's 
artistic efforts.  Horns, antlers, and bills from zoo animals 
who had met their demise were shipped to Ted's New York 
apartment to become exotic beaks and headdresses 
on his bizarre taxidermy sculptures."

          Ted's parents loved him deeply, reveling in his random wit, his cheerfulness and his genuine concern for others.  As a result, Ted grew into a devoted son and a faithful friend. From the foundation of support, encouragement, and belief shown to him by his parents and family, Theodore Geisel became one of the most recognized artists and writers of the 20th century.

     Thank you to Theodore and Henrietta Geisel for their constant encouragement and support to their son.  On March 2, we celebrate the birthday of one who has long been considered a national treasure, Theodore Seuss Geisel, aka Dr Seuss. 
(Informational sources for this blog - drseussart.comcatinthehat.orgbiography.com/people/dr-seuss)


     In parenting, little things can make a big difference!  Why not gather your kids, grab some crayons or paints, some paper (anything will do) and celebrate the birthday of 
Dr. Seuss by creating the craziest, most colorful, most silliest creatures you can think of! Maybe even put them all together in your very own book!

"There is fun to be done
There are points to be scored
There are games to be won!"

    Praise, encourage, and delight in their creations!

Email us your art work!  We'd love to see it!!



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