Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and encourage children to be artists by providing basic tools and inspiration for them to create. Every Young at ART bag sold, will also provide a bag to a child in need.

Monday, March 7, 2016

DR SEUSS (Part 2): Fun Facts about Dr. Suess


     As we continue to celebrate Dr Seuss's birthday, we thought it might be fun to share some facts about the good doctor!


  • Dr Seuss began his career as a teenager.  He was editor-in-chief of the Jack-O-Lantern, a humor magazine at Dartmouth College.  He wrote and illustrated cartoons.
  • He spent 15 years creating advertising campaigns for Standard Oil.
  • During World War II, he wrote political cartoons.
  • Dr Seuss never had children of his own, but had two step daughters in his second marriage.
  • "Seuss" was his middle name and his mother's maiden name.  It is actually pronounced like "zoice".
  • Dr Seuss's first book And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street was rejected 27 times before it was published.  Mulberry was the name of the street his grandmother lived on.  
  • The first recorded instance of the word "nerd" is in his book "If I Ran A Zoo". 
  • Dr Seuss won two Academy Awards.
  • An editor bet Seuss he couldn't write a book using only 50 words.  The resulting story was "Green Eggs And Ham".
  • Dr Seuss had a secret closet filled with crazy hats.  Whenever he found he had writer's block, he would pick a hat and wear it until the words came.

     We wanted to share some fun projects that others have done to celebrate the art of 
Dr Seuss.  We hope you enjoy them and we'd love to see some of your projects!!



(Informational sources for this post: interestingliterature.com,  drseussart.com

     Helping your child learn to appreciate art also helps them with reading, math, and communication skills!  Book 1 in our Young at Art bag tells of other famous artists and has an activity to go along with each of them.  It also includes a sketch pad, crayons, markers, and colored pencils.   And the bonus is, for each art bag you purchase, we will donate one to a child in a hospital or shelter!  Find out more about the Young at Art bag at our website young-at-art.com. (Watch for our Book 2 bag coming out soon...it's all about sculpture!)

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